Monday, October 18, 2010

Road Scholar

The magic of technology! Lauren just called ("skyped" actually) from half way around the world. She's taking a break from the Backroads leaders' trip to say that she's booked travel for us from Barcellona to Madrid, Madrid to Maarakesh, a possible two day camel ride into the dessert (something about a place called Wazat - I keep hearing Whaaaaaaa-zaaaaaaaat?!) with sleeping under the stars on oriental carpets. Then we go to Granada to see the Al(silent H)ambra, back to Guidi-land and home via the dessert again - this time Zion National Park where Las Flamingas are flocking for their 25th Reunion. Don't ask...

I'm arriving Thursday and getting myself to the hotel to let the adventure begin.

1 comment:

  1. Let the party begin!! So excited to follow you from Barcelona to the desert and back again. You WILL come back again, won't you? Have a spectacular time with Lauren. Big fan of Mom/daughter trips as you well know.


Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.