Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bayeux Bop

Charles du Pyle gets a bop on the nose and Game of Thrones gets a Tapestry. Go figure.

Happy Meal

This is France's idea of a kid's restaurant: buckets of crayons, fried cheeses, fish & fries with Gummi Candies for dessert. Coffee and Calvados for digestifs.

We, like all French children, were well-behaved in the restaurant. And, like the adorable old couples, discussed philosophy, cinema and mathematics all the way home.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rouen Redux

Here my morning shot, high noon shot and then ONE of the 28 paintings Monet did to capture the light of the Rouen cathedral. Take your pick...

Train to Caen

Lots and lots of luggage and he SNCF shortened the train by 4 cars. However, thanks to pseudo-sarcastic French seat companion, we survived the ride through the land and landscapes of Monet, Van Gogh, Sisley and a blur of other Impressionists...

Alas, Chuck lost his sketchbook, brushes, camera and (momentarily) sanity.



Sunday, September 22, 2019

Even the guys got the memo

"Wear Monet on Saturday "

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Loss and Laughter

Alas...the closure of our favorite shop of superior sweets near Jardin Luxembourg, but the discovery of Semilla on Rue du Seine. Who would think you'd eat in the kitchen or put the smallest dab of lemon curd on polenta?
Sacre blu!!!

EVERYONE loves Monet

We watched life's rich pageant as people came to see the Waterlilies at L'Orangerie on this glorious autumn day in Paris. Seems like everyone was wearing at least one color that was in a painting. Who knew he was so universal??

Monet’s Muse?

Probably not.He never used black.

Farewell to Saint Antonin