Friday, April 29, 2016

EVERYONE needs a gun that shoots 2x4s

Second Amendment?

What's unfolding...

The website is launched!
Have fun at
It's as close to an illuminated- digital-accordion-tunnel-book as possible.

Friendly Franciscians

The Minnesota Project

Art-on-the-Go takes us to the newly opened fabulous spaces at 1275 Minnesota: studios, exhibits, education, somewhat vertiginous stairs, friendly folk and menacing machines.

Illuminated Books

Part of the Fahrenheit 451 Series.
A new twist on Illuminated Books: I remember being fascinated by the pages as the heat from the fire turned, scorched and ultimately engulfed the book. The not-so-antique novel is at the Marin MOCA Altered Book Show. The Constitution of the United States is bedside lighting, a timely read and something to inspire dreams.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Cast Party

It was actually a "Casting" Party as we watched Don Rich and is handsome assistant pour a bronze sculpture in Oakland. The whole event took just minutes but was part of a continuum of hundreds - if not thousands - of years of alchemy and knowledge. Primitive yet absolutely precise. And, according to the poets, always surprising.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

NYCuisine - Manhattan to Mexican

Roasted cauliflower with cheddar and almonds

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Big Girls in the Big City

Must have been a fun model shoot...

The topless Minoan Maidens at The Met are a few hundred years older, but probably had just as much fun.

Farewell to Saint Antonin