Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finally walked across the bridge!

There are things everyone should have done by a certain point in their lives (go camping, eat something slimy, strike a match). My list of "I've never..." is pretty short but, as a native San Franciscan and host, you'd think I would have walked my favorite icon - at least once by now. I've driven both ways thousands of times, crawled in stuck traffic hundreds, cycled five or ten and screamed across at 90 mph after the 1989 earthquake, but never walked or ran. So, I finally walked across the THE GOLDEN GATE this morning. No sun, no wind, no cars, no noise...a little bit creepy. The only smiling face was the Perky-in-Pink Peace Marcher. A "Road Zipper" is being installed in this miraculous structure - one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. What a thrilling experience. May never have that chance again. 

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chuck getting ready to Shuck

Murdered 800 oysters on 2015 New Year's Day with nary a nick. Next year, you're invited to Save the Date for the Annual Meeting of the Petaluma Bivalve Society Auxillary. No business - only fun, families and the freshest of foods. (NO leftover fruit cakes).
Tina and Chuck


Farewell to Saint Antonin