Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ultimi Venerdi

Printmaking and Books Arts Classes officially ended Thursday after the gelato break.

The mosquitos have gotten word that we are leaving, so have come out in full force.

Students have today and the weekend to assemble their complete editions of drypoint, mezzotint, monotypes, relief prints and finish their sketchbooks, spy notebooks (my personal favorite), carousel book, accordion books (how Italian), final book project and final exchange edition that will be put into their handmade portfolio boxes.

The painters have gone to Assisi for one final opportunity to paint "en plein air." They will have done 40 paintings during their stay here in Italy. In addition to experiencing espressos at Autogrill on the Autostrada, everyone has gotten a chance to spend time sketching, painting or exploring Assisi, Perugia, Cortona, Todi, Montepulcino, Orvieto, Florence, Venice and Rome and, if they are ready for final critique on Monday, many will go to the beach on Giglio Island on Saturday.

The whole experience has been like swallowing a bouilion cube - thank God for Aqua Frizzante!

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! Ah, the possibilities when life is reduced to its essence.


Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.