Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We spent the day in Frances Mayeslan. Someday Epcot may have a Cortona ride - it is the Disneyland of Italy. Students were busy sketching, doing water colors, a bit of shopping, photographing and (as always) eating. It was an academic day preparing all the printmakers for their monoprints and inspiring them to focus on their final projects. Jasmine wore the perfect refreshingly white dress - right out of "Under the Tuscan Sun. "

The painters were in Corciano all day painting "li automobili and le machine." We all had a reunion at the piazza where the Trasimeno Blues Festival filled the night with music and the sandals-candals-and-belts vendors hawked their wares. The octogenarians of the village are astounded, the owner of the monastery is not the least bit interested: he is most concerned with the progress of the restoration of the 18th Century frescos and the moving of his herd of goats from one pasture to the other. Here in Corciano, with its 185 residents, there is still something for everyone.


  1. I remember Cortona as having a great public restroom secreted under the statue in front of the church. One tends to remember moments of great need like that...


  2. We found the restroom HIGH on the next hill overlooking yet another church. You are sooooo right, memories are made in random ways. So glad I am not a plein air painter. they start their mornings at 8:00 and go out to fields, hilltowns, etc. where there is not a gabinetto in sight.


Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.