Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No coffee on the way to Cappadocia

Fact 1: Starbucks does Not have Turkish Coffee.
Fact 2: Turkish Coffee is from Brazil
Fact 4: Turks actually more commonly drink TEA (pronounced "chai") in little tulip shaped glass cups.

All thisoght have helped at four this morning when west to fly to CappDocia. This place is utterly other worldly, lunar at best. People have lived in these caves for centuries! We exited an underground city of 600-1000 people that was completely carved out of rock 15 feet under the earth. Great place for hiding -for months under various seiges and regimes. Tomorrow we go to visit the Fairy Chimneys and see yhe frescos in the cave churches of Görome -a World Heritage Site and have lunch with a Turkish family. Sort of "A Day in the Life." Our hotel is in a cave. (See the view from our balcony -third photo). Of course, right in front are ALL the SOS (same old stuff) vendors. Have resisted buying a carpet.

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Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.