Saturday, October 20, 2012

Keep Calm and Cartoon On

We've discovered a dry, witty sense of Turkish humor and, combined with our complete inability to translate or pronounce anything, leave us laughing hysterically at least once an hour. Thank you comes out to be "tea shake he dream." Saying "gul-e..,gul-e" for "see you later" sounds like lyrics to a popular 1960's teen dance. Sometimes folks try to be helpful or reciprocal: in exchange for teaching a fellow to say "Kiwi" we got a sample of his-not-so-unique-but-made-on-the-spot-six-flavor taffy stick sucker. The self-proclaimed "Mr.Delicious" is a charming flirt who produces THE most extraordinary Baklava concoctions ever yet refuses to ship or ever go to America.
We're seeing more chadors and burkas that we thought we would. A funny corollary is seeing passionate public displays of affection (possession?) by young scarf-wearing women. When revealed, most of the faces of men and women young and old alike lend themselves to caricatures. For a painter, both the silvery evening and golden morning lights are impossible to capture.
Walked twelve miles to visit the Dolmabache Palace Harem and Istanbul Modern Museum today. Wild cats are everywhere and this evening dogs are tired.

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Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.