Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Saying Hello and Good-bye

Lauren drove all the way up from Los Angeles to meet Clarke, Lisa, her Mom, Pat Rybovich and Evan for the first ime and to say good-bye to Chuck and me. We'd been planning this meeting forever. The weather cooperated and we had a marvelous sunset picnic by the pond at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco: sandwiches by Lucca's deli, little boxes filled with nougats, champagne and very little fog. However it froze the Davis-Floridians and so hot cocoa at Peets on Chestnut became the final destination spot. Pat has been working on a glorious book about her family's bookworks so we got a sneak preview of the book and documentary concept accompanied by a persistent manager who kicked us out five minutes before closing time. TOSCA on Columbus in North Beach it is NOT!

Promises to resume the reunion at to celebrate Ferragosto (August 15) and an Italian Summer Feast when we return.


  1. We're going to miss you guys!!! Your blog is a real inspiration. So glad to be able to keep up with your adventures here. Is there a way to embed a gelato-tasting device onto this thing before you leave??


  2. Heard that the San Franciosco odd flavored ice cream notion is spreading: chocolate and bacon, virgin olive oil, etc. Perhaps it will make it to Italy when we're there.


Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.