Friday, December 20, 2013

Diabetic's nightmare

Even the most sour of recipes has a at least a tablespoon of one of three kinds of sweeteners ( or combination): raw, palm, cane sugar or honey, dried fruits or coconut. These sweet little potato-chip-sized crepes are filled with marshmallow cream off set by a few strands of orange zest. The Thai Abelskivers are make of rice flour, egg, coconut cream and, of course, sugar. Made to order right on the street - a box of 18 for less than 65 cents. I love walking through the food stalls giving them to the little kids. Most folk here look very healthy, fit and agile. Dental care, however, seems to have not taken hold. Maybe it's that sugar thing, again.

1 comment:

Steps and stairs

Stracciatella (chocolate chip gelato) is easily burned off one step at a time.