What five word phrase could almost ruin a traditional Thanksgiving?
"Let's do it on Saturday"
Martha Stewart would be appalled!!! However, we awarded each one of us PERSONAL GROWTH POINTS for flexibility as we gathered together, took a great hike, warmed up a cabin in the tallest of redwoods, ate a perfect picnic, sang a few songs, told stories and enjoyed all the glorious colors of Fall.
Our friend in the center of the photo is a wine-maker; his red-headed wife a chef, so they will be family forever.
Drew (in Peruvian hat) is doing well, Taj is now living in our downstairs apartment, Lauren is so happy with her boyfriend, Ben, and Clarke and Lisa (her Mom, Pat, to the far right of the "Smokin' Sisters") are as solid as ever. We are soooo fortunate and enormously grateful.
The invite is open for next year's "ThanksSaturday" if you want to join us.
Tina and Chuck